Probleme mit dem MiniAdmin


Beitragvon Timothycok am Mi 25. Mai 2022, 09:22

The keymacro command enables you to create a key macro. This command syntax is:
keymacro filename-attribute [key-string] [char] [comment-string]
This command is an alternative to the macro command.
Numeric literals are allowed in key-string, char and comment-string parameters.
The key-string parameter accepts alphanumeric and special characters (concatenation of these two types of characters is not allowed).
The filename-attribute parameter can be used only with the input file parameter.
The filename-attribute parameter must be either in the form of filename=value or filename-template=value.
If the filename-attribute parameter is in the form of filename=value, the template parameter is not allowed.
The filename-template parameter allows you to specify the entire filename to the key macro. When this parameter is not used, the template parameter is used.
When the template parameter is used, the output filename is the concatenation of the template and the value parameters, separated by a special character (optionally replacing the last dot of the template with the value).
The example below creates a key macro named MyMacro and saves the output of this macro to a file:
keymacro filename-template=macro.txt
In this example, the template macro.txt contains the same structure as the input file, as shown below. The output filename is named MyMacro.txt.
'#','' and '!' are used as separators between lines of the macro.
'#','' and '!' are used to delineate the key-string from the comment-string.
Keymacro name-option [filename-template=filename-template]
To learn more, see "macro" in the Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.
To learn more, see "keymacro" in the Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.
/key-macro { /key-string /char { /comment-string } }
The key-string parameter accepts alphanumeric and special characters (concatenation of these two types of characters is not allowed).
The key-string parameter is optional.
If the key-string parameter is not specified, the key macro returns an error.
A comma character (',' ) is not allowed.
The char parameter accepts a77f14ba26 whoovyvy ... le/profile ... Hd/profile ... ke/profile ... ra/profile ... ia/profile
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Registriert: Do 18. Nov 2021, 16:21
Wohnort: Yemen


Beitragvon Edwardnug am Mi 25. Mai 2022, 17:49

Keymacro can be used to quickly generate fields from macros which have been previously set in M/S.
Note: Field names may have different formatting, depending on which language is used.
(e.g. for French: "{size:%size:width} {size:%size:height} {size:%size:depth}" becomes "{size:25} {size:25} {size:25}"
More information:

We are planning to merge MTS2 into MTS3 for MaNGOS modders and any other user who doesn't want to have two separate builds of MTS!
You'll be able to use MTS3 without modification of any of the MTS2 files.
Please visit our MTS3 development page for more information.

MTS is a stand-alone mod for MaNGOS that provides native support for mods with a custom entity editor and a database to store them.
This is the first major version of MTS, and it's based on MTS2. We plan to make the mod as simple as possible, and easier to integrate into MaNGOS.
Visit the wiki to read more about MTS and what's been added in MTS2, then download it!
Feel free to leave any comments, or ideas for improvements.
Visit MTS:

The forums:

The downloads:

This is an installable version of MTS. You can set up MTS on a single computer, or install it to run simultaneously on multiple computers in a network. To download MTS, click on the link to the left. If you have questions about MTS, visit the support forum:

This is the stable build of MTS and comes with more bugfixes than MTS2. In addition, we have integrated the latest versions of most of our most used MTS2 plugins, and you can check the official release notes to see if there are any important changes. We encourage you to report bugs or send feedback to our email address:
As a77f14ba26 leghamp ... ck/profile ... ty/profile ... us/profile ... df/profile ... ah/profile
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Registriert: Mi 22. Sep 2021, 17:37
Wohnort: The Gambia


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