Learn Windows 7 features

Learn Windows 7 features

Beitragvon oliviapangel am Sa 16. Jan 2010, 09:19

Keep your laptop clean
Whenever share your computer with less trained computer users then you are familiar the problems that suddenly arise as they mix up you settings and unknowingly set up dodgy programs. Win 7 can help you to prevent these installations.

Set up PC Safeguard on the others login and they'll be able to log in and play as normal – ass soon they log off , any installation they've changed are made undone, files they've created are deleted and your hard drive is returned to its original state.

Restrict other users
If Safeguard isn't enough, try AppLocker. Giving you even more control, as it enable users to only the programs you specify. It's able to automatically create defaults for your administratored programs, and other rules can be added in a few seconds.

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Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Sa 16. Jan 2010, 09:13
Wohnort: Austria

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