IMAP Gmail and Spam

IMAP Gmail and Spam

Beitragvon irenagrabka am So 17. Jan 2010, 09:54

Google Mail comes with a outstanding spam filter checking all received emails and move the mail messages that are labeled as spam to the Spam folder. All spam-marked mail messages in the Spam folder are then automatically deleted from the mailbox after 30 days.

But, Gmail spam filter is not always flawless, and there can be errors where normal mails been identified as bulk and stored in the Spam folder by mistake. When you are using Gmail web interface, this action is alright as the user can move to the Spam folder. Verify emails that have been stored as spam in the Spam folder.

However, users get email from the Google Mail server via POP3 or IMAP access with a desktop email client such as Microsoft Outlook will face an issue. Specifically, e-mail in the Spam folder will not be downloaded when the email client download the emails via POP3 or IMAP protocol. If the user doesn’t log in to the Gmail account via a web browser to check on the Spam folder at least once every thirty days, he or she will never receive valid e-mails that been mislabeled as spam.

Google Mail will not move mails that come from senders whose email address is listed in the Gmail contact list. However, adding contact to Gmail still require user to log on to Gmail webmail interface. And user probably have to add in lots of email addresses for friends, families, colleagues, buddies and busiess contacts that keep increasing everyday in order not to miss a single mail from them that been dumped to Spam folder.

The best workaround for users who don’t use the Gmail or Google Mail webmail interface and just use desktop email client to download incoming mail through POP3 or IMAP is to disable or deactive spam filter function in Gmail. Unfortunately, Gmail does not allow users to switch off the spam filter, and to disable the spam filter, a workaround has to be used.

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Registriert: So 17. Jan 2010, 09:46
Wohnort: Austria

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