Rinzo XML Editor is a C# XML Editor with syntax highlight and built-in code generation. It also offers many useful features like advanced XML support, XSLT (XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0), XPath, XQuery, HTML Tidy, RSSTidy and validation.
The XML Editor is fully integrated with Visual Studio. It highlights XML elements and provides convenient visual editing for the XML documents. The most important XML metadata such as comments, tags, namespaces, etc. can be easily accessed from the left pane.
Rinzo XML Editor Version Description:
Rinzo XML Editor is a C# XML Editor with syntax highlight and built-in code generation. It also offers many useful features like advanced XML support, XSLT (XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0), XPath, XQuery, HTML Tidy, RSSTidy and validation. The XML Editor is fully integrated with Visual Studio. It highlights XML elements and provides convenient visual editing for the XML documents. The most important XML metadata such as comments, tags, namespaces, etc. can be easily accessed from the left pane. Rinzo XML Editor Version is an update of Rinzo XML Editor The previous version is Rinzo XML Editor version Rinzo XML Editor is a C# XML Editor with syntax highlight and built-in code generation. It also offers many useful features like advanced XML support, XSLT (XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0), XPath, XQuery, HTML Tidy, RSSTidy and validation. The XML Editor is fully integrated with Visual Studio. It highlights XML elements and provides convenient visual editing for the XML documents. The most important XML metadata such as comments, tags, namespaces, etc. can be easily accessed from the left pane. Rinzo XML Editor Version is an update of Rinzo XML Editor The previous version is Rinzo XML Editor version Rinzo XML Editor is a C# XML Editor with syntax highlight and built-in code generation. It also offers many useful features like advanced XML support, XSLT (XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0), XPath, XQuery, HTML Tidy, RSS 70238732e0 tabacail
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