Use the Media Player to Stream

Use the Media Player to Stream

Beitragvon oliviarengal am So 17. Jan 2010, 15:14

Stream movies relies on buffers to constant show a media track. To reduce for the pause gap of internet speed due to slow speeds, WMP buffers part of movie before it starts the playback. As the streaming starts, some media continuously gets stored in the background.

The buffer size can be changed when experience that the play back is not smooth enough. From the Menu (or right click on title bar), choose Options – Performance tab. In the Network buffering section choose the bullet option for Buffer and enter any value between 0 to 60 to buffer that much of content before playback. Click OK. Too much buffering can slow downloads.

Tweak speed for podcasts and speech audio
Don’t let your interest flag with the slow drone of an audio book or podcast. Some simple settings allow you to change the pace of the voice. With the audio playing, from the Menu choose – View – Enhancements. Alternatively, right click on the WMP title and select. The Play Speed Settings shows a slider which can be dragged to the left for slow playback and to the right for faster play speeds. Or you can choose from the three presets – Slow, Normal or Fast. You have to trust your ears as not all files will sound well with change in playback speeds.

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Beiträge: 13
Registriert: So 17. Jan 2010, 15:05
Wohnort: Austria

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