Improve your photos with dusk light

Improve your photos with dusk light

Beitragvon juliahuang am Di 19. Jan 2010, 17:09

Side light extend shapes, textures and structures. That’s why early morning are rich times to photograph.
With the light behind your object, you get some of the most dramatic visual effects … but exposure could be tricky to get right. Try it anyway!
When the sun is high and the light is hard, don’t fight it to try to get it all. Concentrate on exposing the bright parts properly and work with the shapes of shadows.
For light and shadow effects you need the sun, of course, but colours are often more intense on half-sunny or overcast days.

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Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Di 19. Jan 2010, 17:01
Wohnort: Spain

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