The dramatic effect and Perfection of Water reflections in y

The dramatic effect and Perfection of Water reflections in y

Beitragvon jackylaren am Mi 20. Jan 2010, 16:18

A image with an affinity for the photo camera, reflections give a result of photographic opportunities. The normal way in which a digital camera sees the world - that is, constrained in a frame, and limited in depth of field - should work really well with the upside-down, inside-out world of the reflection. Let the photo take the lead. Some of the most expressive shots of reflections can be observed on still water, where they produce striking symmetrical effects.

One day, on a shoot for ‘How to Photograph Absolutely Everything’ I was messing about at the Mirror Pool in the New York Botanical Gardens (which, if you’ve not been to, is well worth a visit at any time, in any weather).

First I investigate the way the reflection changes its shape as I change my position - both from side to side and up and down. Here, I’m looking for a strong shape to emerge. These simply show the scene visible by looking up, but with rippled distortions.

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Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mi 20. Jan 2010, 16:09
Wohnort: France

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