Printer Ink - How to Save the Liquid Gold In Your Printer

Printer Ink - How to Save the Liquid Gold In Your Printer

Beitragvon dianabol am Mi 20. Jan 2010, 22:46

Inkjet printer ink is often called "liquid gold". It very well is the most expensive liquid on earth. As over the life of any ink jet printer you will most likely spend a lot more on ink cartridges than you initially spent on the printer.

However, when you know how to save your printer ink whenever you print a document, you will also save yourself and your company many dollars over the course of time. And that's what this article is about.

It all starts with your choice of printer. One thing's for sure - the large cartridges you will find on bigger printers are more cost effective than the small cartridges that you find in smaller printers. If you are purchasing a printer for your company because you need it to print out a lot of documents on a daily basis it could be well worth the extra initial investment to buy a larger printer.

Next, there are two primary things you can do to save your printers ink once you've bought it and installed your ink cartridges in your printer. The first is layout optimization and the second is the method you use to print your documents.

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Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mi 20. Jan 2010, 22:38
Wohnort: Belgium

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