Do Defragmentation with Disk Defragmentation Screensaver

Do Defragmentation with Disk Defragmentation Screensaver

Beitragvon joannaprimla am Do 21. Jan 2010, 22:14

Defragmenting disks is a very important part of computer maintenance, because badly fragmented hard drives can make your PC slow and unreliable. That's why you need to defrag regularly. The easiest way to do it is to schedule defrag to run once a week. It's best to schedule defragmentation for the time when you are not using your computer, so that it interrupt your work.

But what if you keep forgetting to schedule defrag or it keeps annoying you by starting up when you are in the middle of something? The answer is to use defrag screensaver. It will start automatically when your system goes idle, so your work will never get interrupted by defragmentation again.

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Beiträge: 11
Registriert: Do 21. Jan 2010, 22:06
Wohnort: Germany

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