Before beginning to program Android utilities

Before beginning to program Android utilities

Beitragvon annaportens am Fr 22. Jan 2010, 09:54

Before you can really begin to develop Android applications, it's helpful to have a basic understanding of what exactly Android is. In the simplest terms, Android is a set of software that works together to help you develop web applications. Included with Android is an operating system, middleware, and key applications and the Android SDK is what gives you the tools and APIs you'll need to develop applications on the Android platform. Android makes use of Java programming language so that most developers will already be familiar with the basics but developing a deeper understanding of Android will give you the skills you need to create interesting, interactive applications.

Android Features There are a number of features that make Android one of the leading application developer tools. First of all, there is an application framework that allows for the reuse and replacement of components. In addition, Android utilizes Dalvik virtual machine which has been optimized for mobile devices and features an integrated browser which has been modeled around open source WebKit.

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Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Fr 22. Jan 2010, 09:44
Wohnort: Netherlands

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